The Mets should sit tight during the trade deadline.

Dear Met’s fans

I understand your concern; You are tired of your team watching the playoffs from the golf course. But the Mets have 4 extremely talented young pitchers. It would be a mistake to trade any of them. Personally I don’t see how it would be possible for the Mets to trade for an impact bat without surrendering one of their young arms. Zack Wheeler is currently recovering from Tommy John surgery, but at 25 still has a tremendous amount of upside. There are interested teams that are interested in trading for him, but the Mets should hold on to him.

The best thing the Mets can do is hope that the Juan Uribe and Kelly Johnson gives them the boost they will need to catch the Nationals. If they sit tight the Mets, can go after Justin Upton in the off-season. There has been concern, whether the Mets have the money to attract a marquee free agent. But Sandy Alderson has publicly stated the Mets have the money necessary. So sit tight Mets’ fans you have waited 9 years to see your team in the post-season. Wouldn’t you rather sit this one out for the possibility of multiple championships?

The future might be bright!

If you need something to hold you over until then: it gets really good at about the 2-minute mark.

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